Saturday, November 5, 2011

Catching up

I know its been awhile since I have been on here. I have been busy with life. I know it's no excuse and I promise to never do it again. To catch you up Halloween was so much fun. I have a family tradition that the adults dress up in anything they want (as long as they use there imagination). This year was fun and awesome. I dressed up as my husband on the job. He works as a generator diesel technician and that is what I dressed as. Below is a picture of me on the left. My oldest mikayla in the middle. My dad on the right. Below all of us is my husband and emerald. Evil e is snow white. She was walking around with an apple while trick or treating. We trick or treated for about two hours before getting cold. We also did some pretty cool carvings on our pumpkins. I love Halloween it is my favorite holiday. I have been going to the dentist every week to have my teeth fixed. I have periodontal disease so I have had a deep cleaning on both sides of my mouth, next is to fill the seven cavities I got while being pregnant with Evil e. Then after all that I have a root canal to do to my left upper molar after cracking it over 15 months ago. The final thing will be to extract my wisdom tooth(third one I have had pulled) which has a cavity and they don't want to keep it once it starts giving problems. So each week I go through the numbness of the Novocaine and the pain of my teeth. But eventually we will get them all done. I am excited for Monday's since one of my close friends comes over to my house and we have a coffee date and chit chat all day. I look forward to that day. I am still trying to get out of the house a little a day and have play dates each week although it doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes it can be weeks before I have a play date. It is just hard driving to see friends who live over 35 minutes away when Evil e hates car rides. It doesn't matter what I do to entertain her, music, toys, pacifier or DVD, she still wants to get out of her car seat and leave the car. I still get a little overwhelmed about money and bills but not as much anymore. I am trying to live life to the fullest with my family and penny pinch as much as I can. A few weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I was so excited that i put it out on facebook and told all my relatives. I started bleeding the next day and didn't feel like a period. I went to the e.r(I so need a doctor) and they found out that the test was a false positive. I felt so crushed and so stupid. I felt stupid for going to the er for a period and for the fact that i got a false positive. But what can you do. It wasn't my fault, it was just a let down. For now I stopped keeping track of my fertile days like we have done for the past year and just focused on making sure we make love 3-4 times a week. All you married people know that with kids, keeping a house in order and work means your more tired and just want to sleep and not do anything. Doesn't mean I don't want it or that I don't love him, its just sometimes with running around after Evil e and the multiple sclerosis, I am so tired it hurts to be awake. So sometimes I would rather sleep than be that intimate. So now we are trying to focus on us and being more intimate so that are relationship stays healthy and we stay connected. (By the way we were only intimate 4-7 times a month before) I know it may be too much information for all of you but I have to be honest if I am going to be true to myself on here. I have also been seeing my mom more and more either at my house or in public places. We are working hard on our relationship and so far it is good. I am really happy with my life. Today we had to put locks on our pantry, our extra freezer we have in the laundry room, these huge glass cabinets we have in the living room, since our oldest has decided to cheat & without asking eat our ice cream and all dairy  products. (In case everyone did not know my oldest has been allergic since birth to dairy which means no butter,cheese, milk absolutely no dairy at all. We have to read a lot of labels to make sure there is no dairy in it) She eats soy ice cream, soy yogurt, soy milk and soy snacks. But from time to time she cheats. I have been getting up at 630am to get ready and be downstairs before she starts her morning at 7am. When I wasn't downstairs right away was when she was cheating. So now I have to watch her like a hawk to make sure she is eating right and is doing her morning chores. If anyone thought raising a pre teen would be easy they are mistaken. But I have patience and I know we can over come all of this. Plus her grades have dramatically proved from this year to last year. She will get past this, I know it. OK all I am very full from eating a frozen yogurt treat from Yumz and watching gnomeo and Juliet that I think I will go to bed.