Monday, November 15, 2010

Pajama monday

Every Monday Emie and I stay in our PJ's and have pajama Monday. I love to just relax on Monday's and catch up on all my shows from the previous week. My oldest said she can't wait till she is off next week and she can wear her PJ's. So last night Dale and I were talking about who i think he looks like. I think he has some resemblance to Axl rose. So we looked up Axl Roses pictures on his phone and omg he looks really bad now, he was so hot to me when I was growing up. He did not age well. Another one I had a crush on when I was growing up was Mickey Rourke, he also did not age well and does not look good now. A lot of celebrities get plastic surgery that makes them look so bad and unrecognizable, like Joan Rivers. Wow she scares me Ha ha. Not saying I have anything against plastic surgery, I often think about doing it myself. But there are ways to fix the issues you have with your appearance than going to get surgery. My look a likes I have been told are Julia Roberts, Christina Ricci, Julia Stiles, these women have aged well. Julia is my favorite and has aged really well. So I was thinking about what Dale and I will look like when we get older will we age well. Just a random thought I had. Told you I had a lot of those. Life is full of random thoughts. Today I woke up at 6 am because I missed my Dale, he is gone for a few days for work. Oh well what can you do. Really not liking how cold it is getting out. I am more of a summer girl, don't get me wrong I love doing winter activities like snow mobiling, skiing, snow ball fights, just hate the cold. I could never live in Alaska. I do love Christmas time, except Christmas music, some of it is OK but the others are just played too much. I love the spirit of Christmas plus every year I give away toys, stuffed animals and clothes that we aren't using to different charities. It's my way of giving to others in need. I really enjoy doing it. I wish I could give money but it's not in the cards for me right now. I usually do my shopping online for Christmas, I really hate how people get crazy on the holidays. This year Dale and I decided that because Emie has so much clothes, Mikayla and Emie have a lot of toys (most of the toys Emie has are Mikayla's old ones), Mikayla has a lot of clothes, that we will get Mikayla arts & crafts items, Emie outdoor toys & toys she can climb or that are good for her development. Everything we have is going to the next kids we have, that way we don't have to spend money on items we already have. I am glad to be relaxing right now when I hit my knee earlier while trying to chase Emie, I am so clumsy. Going to finish my coffee, eat breakfast and then shower. Emie is napping so time to get some things done.

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