Today I had an event set up for my mom's group that i am a leader of. Evil e woke up early at 7:45am because of mysterious m. So that was going to be a rough start no matter what. As i was going to take a shower, Evil e decided that she had to take one with me. I was fine with this. She got naked and we have a big enough shower with a glass door to fit two people (well two adults like six little emies lol)and she enjoyed washing her hair and body like a big person. Then i let her run around in her diaper while i finished getting ready.Her hair is naturally curly and it got even curlier running around. As you can see below. Then shortly after that she had an
explosion in her diaper of the runs. It was so gross and running down her legs. I cleaned her up and decided she needed time to see if she was going to get sick again before we went to the event. (just so you know i have stopped writing this four times to check on what trouble she is getting into) Than as I dressed her she had a complete melt down and didn't like her dress with leggings i put on. Yes she is that picky sometimes on what she wears. So i took it off and put on a shirt and she kept saying no shirt no shirt. This my friends is a bad emie day a day where i can't get out of the house because she throws tantrum after tantrum and i won't go anywhere with a screaming child. Instead we will read or watch movies at home. If she behaves we will go to the library or somewhere close. I always make events an hour or so away from where i live since there isn't much out here by me and i am trying to be fair to other members and there distances. But it always seems with emie and her terrible twos i can never get out the door. Sometimes i am even 30minutes -1 hour late to events. I feel guilty and feel like i should stay in the house away from everyone so that no one sees my bad terrible 2. Mysterious m didn't go through the terrible 2s like this. Hers wasn't so bad but now she is going through the terrible pre-teens. Sometimes with all of the crying and tantrums from both girls i just want to run to Tahiti or have a stiff drink. All i can do is try to get through the moment and hope to calm both of them down and survive through the day without killing children lol. Now that i got that out and i finally came back to blogging after 3 months i am going to take emie to a garage sale in my neighborhood. Don't get me wrong i still want to do events and meet new moms. I especially want to meet moms in my town so i don't have to drive far for a social encounter i just don't know how to with her terrible 2s. I am in desperate need of mom friends to hang out with more and get close with. I so need and want a best friend who is not my husband. Tata for now since emie is throwing a fit since i wont let her run water in the sink lol.
We've all been there!!!! It does get better. And my easy-going 2 year old had a tantrum this morning because he had to leave behind a balloon and not bring it in the car to the sitters, so I picked him up, headed out the door w/my oldest to get to work and he hit me. Yup. Never happened before! I tell him quit being so sassy!!! LOL
Thanks so much for that. She is pretty easy going but lately she has hit a rough patch. she likes getting into thins more than anything lol. She is a hitter and biter but that just started. She does get punished. i don't want her to be that kid in school.
I could have wrote this same post! My 2 year old is the.exact.same.way. She is so stubborn and will gladly have a meltdown at anything from brushing her hair, running errands, picking up her brother from school, etc if she doesn't want to do it. But when she is not having her terrible two moments, she is the sweetest girl you will ever meet! Hopefully, this phase passes soon! Until then, hang in there! I try to repeat to myself "this too, shall pass..."
That is funny! That is exactly how my 2 year old. They are twins from different mothers lol. I say that too a lot. It is nice to vent on a blog though and have other people relate to it. I don't feel alone.
Mira has those days too. It is very much a learning process to try to predict what kind of compromises we will be making throughout the day. For example, somehow Mira already has her own fashion sense too. I typically either let her pick one part of her outfit and I pick the other or give her two choices to pick from. Every once in a while she ends up with a strange outfit but I figure who know maybe she just already know the fashions of tomorrow : ) I will say though that when we do have a struggle, I try not to let it take down the whole day. The faster we both move on and get out and about that it helps us both get to a better place. Once we are out, I depend on the fact those who have had any experience with a toddler will understand the unpredictability of when a bad moment will strike. And in the very rare case I notice someone giving us a strange look, I feel sorry for any person who judges me in midst a difficult toddler negotiation because I know that person also will not know the incredible joy brought by my child.
I try not to let it take the whole day and usually it doesn't but on days like today when she won't stop hitting or throwing a tantrum it is hard to even get her in the car. I took her for a walk later and she enjoyed it. I try to let her put her own clothes on and to be independent since she so craves it.
Ugh! The terrible two's is right! Since being home over the summer, I have been keeping K super busy with places to go/things to do and still, she makes me crazy! Today at the library, she was running from me screaming as loud as she could, "chase me, mommy!". I thought the librarian was gonna stroke. Know that you're not alone! It's too bad that you live so far away, we could have a playdate!
Emie as her running in the library moments. I am grateful my library has a play area or we would do a hit and run with books otherwise. I don't live too far. I can always come to you for a playdate or meet somewhere. I am open for driving to people. Especially when I like them. :)
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